A champion barber, top educator, and award-winning stylist, Christina Goree surpasses the industry standard. With over three decades of experience and advanced haircutting training for Emmy award-winning stylists for the Make-up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild (I.A.T.S.E. Local 706), Christina has worked in all facets of showbiz and hair care, including men and women's grooming, long and short trend cuts, hair coloring and texture specialization bother here and across the globe. Dominant in social media, her competitive and aggressive nature has upheld her position in the industry as an icon and influencer. Limits don't stop Christina, she has a special talent for motivating, inspiring, and challenging others to be their best while she works to be the best herself. One of the greatest rewards of working in the industry is working as a mentor to some of the top professionals in the industry, But Christina truly works for RESULTS. Results from hard work and dedication. Between traveling and teaching, she never forgets to reflect on her gracious opportunity to change lives.